Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category HR

Return to Office (RTO)


What is Return to Office (RTO)? Return to Office (RTO) refers to the process of returning employees to the office after a period of remote work. This transition typically involves strategically implementing policies and procedures to facilitate a safe and…

What is Retro Pay: Meaning, Calculation & Taxes


What is Retro Pay? Retro pay also known as Retroactive pay, refers to the compensation owed to any employee for a work done by them in the previous period but not paid at that time. It typically arises due to…

What Is Bi-weekly Payroll and How Does It Work?


What is bi-weekly payroll? Bi-weekly payroll is a payroll system where employees are paid every two weeks, typically on consistent days such as every other Fridays or every other Thursday. In this system an employee receive 26 paychecks in a…

Off-site Activity: What it is and Objective


What is an off-site? An off site refers to a gathering or activity which involves taking employees outside the usual work premises or work environment. This is also known as off-site meeting or off-site meeting and is typically organized away…

What is owned entity and Common Challenges


What is owned entity? An owned entity refers to a legal business which is wholly owned or controlled by another entity. this can also refers to subsidiaries or divisions operating in foreign land that are owned or controlled by parent…

1099-MISC Form: What It Is and What It’s Used For


What is a 1099-MISC form? A 1099-MISC form is a tax form used in United States to report miscellaneous incomes received by the individual to the Income Revenue Services (IRS). This is different from W-2 form here the term “1099”…