Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category HR

What Are Full Time Hours?


What are full time hours? In the United States, a full time hour refer to a standard work week that consist of 40 hours a week with employee working 5 days a week. A full time employee is someone who…

What Is a 1099 Employee? Everything You Need to Know


What is a 1099 employee? A “1099 Employee” is a term used to address independent contractor or freelancer in United States. This term is derived from the IRS form 1099-NEC which is used to report the income of the individual…

What Is Commission Pay and How Does It Work


What is commission pay? Commission pay is a compensation structure where employees are paid a certain sum of money based on the sales or revenue they generated for the business. Unlike fixed salary this is like an extra income which…

What is a Work Permit? and How to Get one


What is a work permit? A work permit also known as work visa is an official document issued by the government that allow a foreigner to get employed and earn in a specific country legally. The documents is regulated by…

What is a W-2 employee?

W-2 employee

What is a W-2 employee? A w-2 employee is a term used in United states to refer an individual someone who receives w2 form from their employer each year to report their annual incomes and the amount of taxes taxes…

Bonus: Definition, Different Types, and FAQs


What is bonus in salary? A bonus is money given to employees by their employers in addition to their regular pay as a reward for work well done or for any other reason that fits with the company’s payroll policy.…

What is Cost Per Hire? – A Brief Guide


Recruitment is an important component for an organization and hiring the right talent is critical to the success of the organization. It not only influences the productivity and efficiency of the team but also has a direct impact on the…

What is Absconding: Meaning, Reasons and Legal Actions


What is Absconding? Absconding refers to the unauthorized and sudden departure of an employee from an organization without informing anyone including their peers or submitting any formal notice of resignation. This employee leaves the organization without completing their notice period…

Small Business HR: Tips for Limited Budgets


Running a small business withs its own set of challenges is not easy and at the same time managing a human resource on a tight budget is very difficult for small business owners. Unlike large organizations who have a dedicated…