Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category General

Introduction to Cost to Company (CTC)


Definition of CTC: Cost to company is a commonly used term in employment which is used to define the total cost an employer bears in hiring and retaining an employee for a specific period of time, mostly a year. It…

Tackling Tensions: Addressing Workplace Grievances


Introduction: Workplace grievances are an inevitable part of any organization, regardless of size or industry. Effectively addressing these grievances is crucial to maintaining a harmonious and productive work environment. In this blog, we are going to discuss various aspects of…

HR Automation: What Will the Future Look Like?


The pandemic accelerated the hybrid work model for global companies and gave a new dimension to HR process automation. A 2022 research by Gartner shows that 74% of HR leaders believe their organizations are undergoing a broader transformation to become…